My trip with breast cancer

I am 39 years old and have been diagnosed with breast cancer. I have been asked to post my experiences here.

Monday, November 07, 2005

The past

Here is an introduction to where I am at now. I had my yearly GYN appointment and she found a lump in my right breast. She mad an appointment for me at the breast clinic of Lahey Clinic. I had a mammogram, an ultrasound, and finally a physical exam with Dr. Karp, head of surgurical oncology. He told me right there that he was sure that it was cancer from the mammagram, the ultrasound and just from the way it felt. He did a needle biopsy right then but told me that even if it came back negative, he would have me have an ultrasound guided biopsy. I had good news for a moment as his biopsy came back negative but went straight for the other biopsy. I really have to say that I was in shock because I didn't cry, I didn't think about anything like what this would mean to me. Well, that biopsy was positive and I had the results the day before leaving on a 10 night cruise! I went with my girlfriend Elisabeth and had a fabulous time getting pampered at the spa and just being away. Upon my return, I had to go and meet my "team". Because of the timing, my husband was there only for meeting the nurse and surgeon. My nurse is where I go for all my test results and I actually have two. She put together all the infor on me and from the different doctors. Dr. Karp drew up two different options for me. One was going right into chemo and the other starting with the sentinal node biopsy. Since I need to know everything I chose the biopsy. Doug left to pick up the girls at school. I then met with my social worker who has been really helpful with things like telling the kids and getting me into a support group when I start chemo. I met my rediation oncologist who is a crazy Russian lady, I think. She really cracked me up because she was saying that Radiation is so easy, no side effects, maybe some burning, etc. "I will get you special cream to help your breast" she said. After that was meeting, I had my medical oncologist. She told me that she was very happy that I chose to do the node biopsy. She also told me what chemo drugs I will have.


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