My trip with breast cancer

I am 39 years old and have been diagnosed with breast cancer. I have been asked to post my experiences here.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

The surgery

I arrived at 8:30am with Doug and went right in for an IV - took a couple of tries. Then I went up and had the same woman who did my ultrasound biopsy to give me the four shots of the radioactive stuff. Right in the boob! Ouch! Then I had to wait around for two hours so that the stuff could get into the nodes. Dr. Karp came around and we spoke again about the second tumor and after a lot of really funny near misses getting a portable monitor in with a hook up to the Lahey system, I got to see the MRI and the second tumor. Woopee. Anyways, don't remember even being brought into the operating room thanks to large doses of Versed! I didn't wake up at all until like 4:30pm when Doug called my name. I guess they were trying to get me up for a while since I had been out of surgery since 1:30pm! I guess the warm blankets, extra oxygen and the sedatives made me sleep pretty hard and I didn't feel any after effects at all. Ate some soup and a grilled cheese (comfort food), got hugs and kisses and went to bed at 8:00pm with the kids!

Today I have tried to stay in bed and nap and stay on the pain med schedule but failed on all counts. I forget when I took the stuff and then the pain comes back. It is not really that bad, actually. All the stuff about a special bra was unfounded. Just a gauze pad covered with tape. I even get to take that off tomorrow night, if I want. I am absolutely astonished at the mobility I have as well. I will have no problem dancing at the wedding this weekend.

Since Doug is going to be away all of next week, I have friends helping a lot. Tuesday and Wednesday, Elisabeth and Mary are coming, Wednesday and Thursday will be Kim. We hope to get a lot more done on the house while Doug is gone. I meet with Dr. Karp next Wednesday the 16th and will get an appointment with Dr. Natarajan between now and then to discuss chemo and get me started. I now have to try and get in to my dentist as well.

So much to do. I truly feel like a floozy but I am unable to enjoy it. I hear the things going on (Doug's cell phone ringing off the hook with work issues, the kids having a fit about something) and I feel like I need to participate somehow. I just went down to see them making cookies. However, I have had some wonderful cards and gifts from many many family and friends. Julianna's card is precious.

More tomorrow -


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