The girls have been with their cousins since Friday afternoon and so Doug and I have been childless. They are having such a good time and boy do they deserve it. Many, many, many thanks to Beth and Jenny for making their little tour of New England (and First Night Boston) such a great time for them and allowing me to really sleep during this time. I can't wait to see pictures and I can't wait to see them later today.
This new year thing is weird. Doug is starting a new position at work and feels very far behind with everything (which is really per usual) including the new house. He asked what I wanted for my birthday and said that I would like to be moved in by that following weekend. It would be so nice. He said last night that he wasn't ready to start the new year. I feel like there hasn't been a change. My head is down and pushing through the days so that I can get to the other side of this thing. This last treatment has left me foggy, unstable and VERY dry eyed! Doug has to be in California leaving tomorrow and returning early Thursday. It is supposed to snow here tomorrow. It's like "wake up and get going again, Kimberly!" I will do my best! I was looking back a previous New Years and thinking about how last year, I had no idea what I was in for. And this year starts pretty much in the same way...I have a schedule, but no real path. Things can change at any minute and I am not the sort that can handle that well. I am getting better though. I would like to go somewhere once I have recovered from surgery and been told that I am cancer free. I think I will pick a place and if others want to come, so be it. Doug is afraid I will spend lots of money on something big and we don't have it. I really will do something VERY big is I am not cancer free or when and if it comes back! But for now, I would love to go to our time-share in La Romana and relax for a while, then others can come or not. But that isn't going to be for quite a while. I would love to promote a big family/friends reunion for next Christmas on a cruise ship or Club Med somewhere. I have to keep dreaming.
So here is to the completely unknown. I will try and make myself comfortable for the ride with all its ups and downs, twists and turns. I will kiss my husband and my kids every day that I can. That is my resolution.